
まあたぶん今まででもFetch Dataを使えばYQLを取り込めたとは思う(試してはいない)んだけど、公式にモジュールができるといい感じ。これでUser InputやString Builder, URL Builderとかでユーザに入力させたデータをYQLで引っ張ってくることも可能になった。

We just added a new source module: YQL.

YQL complements Pipes by allowing you to fetch, aggregate and mash up data from many sources using a SQL-like SELECT syntax. To find out more about YQL click here.

To use YQL, simply enter a YQL statement (select * from feed where url='http://digg.com/rss/index.xml') into the textarea. To drill down further into the result set you can use either the Pipes Sub-element module or by using projection in a YQL statement. For example: select title from feed where url='http://digg.com/rss/index.xml' returns only the titles from the Digg RSS feed. Here is an example Pipe using YQL as a source.
