
pjaxが便利過ぎて鼻血出そうになった(railsのサンプル付き) - SELECT * FROM life;』を読んで、具体的にはどうなってるのかなと思ってGitHubのjquery-pjaxのソースを読んでて見つけたことのメモ。

pjax.defaults = {
  timeout: 650,
  push: true,
  replace: false,
  // We want the browser to maintain two separate internal caches: one for
  // pjax'd partial page loads and one for normal page loads. Without
  // adding this secret parameter, some browsers will often confuse the two.
  data: { _pjax: true },
  type: 'GET',
  dataType: 'html',
  beforeSend: function(xhr){
    this.trigger('start.pjax', [xhr, options])
    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-PJAX', 'true')